Details and Development
Engine: Unity
Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux
Team Size: 4
My Roles: Level Designer, Programmer.
Goal: To create a competitive, multiplayer runner/brawler for TOJAM 2017, with the intention of expansion and iteration afterwards.
Design Process: Taking inspiration from existing multiplayer runners like Runbow, players avoid obstacles and traverse through the level trying not to get left behind, while keeping up their health bar by eating fish. Bubbles are placed throughout the level that contain a mystery shoe power-up which automatically gets equipped to your shark (thus replacing any existing power up). Players are able to break these bubbles by using their dash ability to smash into them (along with the ability to smash through rocks, and block other players).
As the level designer for the game, I was in charge of designing each level “chunk”. Since the game is endless (last one standing wins), we decided to create level chunks that would occur randomly throughout the game. Each chunk had to be designed with the idea that it would seamlessly fit with any previous chunk without disrupting the game’s momentum. Here are a few of the chunks I designed:
Level DesignWe programmed the simpler chunks to occur at the beginning of the game as players get used to the jump and dash mechanics, as well as introduced new obstacles in a simpler setting. The chunks eventually ramp up in difficulty, with multiple routes and obstacles.
Obstacles include: